The Merits Of Jesus Christ
Eternal Father,
I thank Thee for myself,
And on behalf of all mankind,
For the great mercy that Thou hast shown us,
In sending Thy Son to be made man,
And to die to obtain our salvation;
I thank Thee for it,
And I should wish to offer Thee in thanksgiving
All that love which is due for such an inestimable benefit.
By His merits our sins are pardoned,
And Thy justice is satisfied
For the punishment we had merited;
By these merits Thou dost receive us
Miserable sinners into Thy grace,
While we deserve nothing but hatred and chastisement:
Thou dost receive men to reign in Paradise.
Finally, Thou hast bound Thyself,
In consideration of these merits,
To grant all gifts and graces
To those who ask for them
In the name of Jesus Christ.